On June 8th, 2008, David Allan Coe was gambling at the Prairie Meadows Racetrack and Casino in Altoona, Iowa. David and his wife Kim decided to play some slot machines on their way to the next show.
After playing for awhile, David hit the jackpot on a slot machine he was taking turns on with his wife. Because the staff was taking their time paying them, David decided to play another machine while Kim stayed with the slot machine to collect the jackpot.

When the casino workers finally came to pay off the jackpot, they told Kim that David had to be present because he was the one who pushed the button to win it. When the staff (assisted by security) found David calmly playing another machine, this is when the harassment started.
David was giving the lady his ID as requested when a young security guard told him to “sit down boy”. David upset with the rude & unprofessional behavior of the casino staff began to walk away. Security guards along with sheriff deputies decided to corner him instead, tripped him and knocked David to the ground. They cuffed him and charged him with several charges, including disorderly conduct and interference with official acts.

Unfortunately for the security guards and the sheriff’s deputies the whole event was on surveillance video and verified that David Allan Coe’s side of the story was true. It clearly shows that Security guards along with sheriff’s deputies unnecessarily slammed David to the floor, and all his charges dropped.
“They just thought I was a long-haired hippy they could beat up,” David said. David blames the incident for why he now has to walk with a cane and sits down while singing onstage.
David did sue the casino, but the case was dismissed with the judge ruling the deputies weren’t casino employees and couldn’t have done anything to make Prairie Meadows Racetrack and Casino liable for damage.
“I said I wasn’t familiar with lawsuit law,” Coe responded in court. “I’m very familiar with criminal law.”
Comment below your thoughts about this
My dad met David Allan Coe nearly thirty two years ago. They got along well enough right after the ‘Just Divorced’ album came out that he got my dad’s address and wrote him a letter. My dad had just divorced his first wife and the letter was some advice on getting past her and women in general. Does anyone know if the old Dream Enterprises address is still good? My dad is 64 and doesn’t use computers and really wants to send him another letter. I’ve looked but can’t find a physical address anywhere. Any help would be greatly appreciated… This is really important to my dad.
I agree with the majority , you need another lawyer , one that isn’t tied to big corporations , like one of them motorcycle attorneys . I have seen you in Daytona fl. , Sturgis SD , Waynesboro pa . and will see you in Gettysburg pa, on this Thurs . I enjoy your shows and am a devoted fan and I also fly a confederate flag !!!!
A shame…
I totally agree !!! This should be dealt with to the end, as these people were ’employed’ by the Casino, and that should make them responsible for injuries and damages, just as any person would be if this had happened while David was onstage somewhere & a person involved with him would have done the same thing. Right is right, NOT just in specific circumstances. FIGHT ON !!!! See ya in a week or so, David !! DAYTONA !!!
Cock-knockers anyhow! I’d like to knock a lung loose on these dick heads!
David I am sorry you ran into these mental midgets. I agree you should further pursue your lawsuit; but as Ron White said: you can’t fix stupid.
If I were David I would hire another attorney. There is case law that supports both the County that employed the Sheriff and the Casino who employed ALL of the offending parties, it’s self is liable for any actions performed by the Security guards and Sheriffs deputies while in their employment.
It also states that while performing these duties they need to have liability insurance in place.
Appeal this Judges decision immediately PLEASE.
(I am not an attorney — by choice)
Regardless,them a holes shouldn’t of treated anybody that way,especially an elderly person.Seems like the courts had a whole lot of favoritism towards the casino.DAC should of gotten paid.Back injury is no joke.They need their backs broke to see how it feels.A-holes !
We love u down here in Texas coe…. see u at Billy Bob’s. Good luck in life.
I worked at Argosy & Hollywood Casino in Lawrenceburg, In. for 12 1/2 years in Security. I know David & Kim, I can state that if you treated David with respect he would return that respect, If you act Like an Ass you would be treated like an Ass. The Security Officer that told David to sit down should be fried for being dis-respectful & for providing improper Information to Law Enforcement. Both Sheriff Deputies should be suspended without pay until they can be retrained in proper procedures, when approaching a subject. The way they handle the situation was entirely wrong. David did nothing wrong By Leaving the machine or when he was giving the slot attendant his information. I agreed David should pursue the suit against the casino, the security Officer & both Deputies. This is hard for me to say, for I have work in Law Enforcement & Security pretty much my whole working Life. But right is right & wrong is wrong. David Be Careful & Be Safe My Friend.
Any more Mr David wrong is right . And right is wrong What the hell are we to do.????
Mr. Coe I feel you still have a case. They are hoping you forget it. You need to get a different lawyer and also take it to the media
Took 2 of those clowns to jump DAC from behind. bet he could whip anyone of them one on one
I worked at Hollywood (Argosy) Casino in Indiana for 11 years. As a former Security Officer there, I met David many times. I all know Kim from there. David is a great guy, and fun to talk with. Always enjoyed it when he was there. That would never had happened at Hollywood…. Here is to David’s health for years to come. I would love to be able to get with him again.